When you’re performing any kind of manual task a little music often helps the mood. This is certainly true when getting your possessions and property ready for the big day. There are obviously tons of different sounds around these days with the explosion of funk, soul and rock in the late 20th century, but what’s the best music for getting you up and on your feet with your city removals? We thought we’d take a little wry and somewhat sideways view of the top tunes to provide a backdrop to your packing and stacking.

House Music

The steady four four beat of House music is enough to get anyone’s blood rate up and should be able to give you that vital boost as you get the plates down from the cupboard and move the furniture to roll up your rugs. With some really uplifting mixes available too, you never have to pause to change the track selection, allowing you to pull some of the best playlists off Spotify to keep you going all day.

Garage Music

If the square beat of House is a little too formulaic for you, but you still want something that gets the head nodding and the blood pumping as you carry those boxes up and down the stairs, why not try Garage? With some truly upbeat sounds and rhythms and a huge dose of sexy suggestions, this might be the perfect music to remind you of all the romantic times you’ll be having when you’ve relocated to a new domicile.

Heavy Metal

There’s nothing wrong with a bit of fast guitar and heavy drums. If you have some big loads to lift and heavy furniture to get about your property, then Heavy Metal can give you the endless aggression necessary to tackle the tough stuff. With a huge choice of albums available, there’s something to delight every eardrum, ranging from the fast Thrash stuff through to the alternative whine of Grunge and AOR.

Acid Jazz

Just like there are those who want to be fully involved in the moving process, there are also quite a few people that prefer to be joyously disconnected from the whole scene. Acid Jazz is perfect for these sultry souls, with cool, funky, uptempo rhythms that transport your mind to some kind of downtown Chicago club whilst your body does the tough and demanding work of shifting things around your house to exactly where they need to be.

Whatever kind of sound you prefer, there’s one noise you’ll want to avoid when getting ready for your removals…the sound of breaking plates and damaged furnishings…so make sure that you don’t get too carried away whilst listening to the top tunes as you dance and jump around to music whilst doing removals.

And at the end of it all, when it comes to moving your stuff, choose a city removals company that likes a smile and certainly isn’t averse to you playing your music during the big day…Alan Cook Removals.