Moving house is the perfect time to declutter, sort out, and yes maybe even throw out a few things. That box of board games you haven’t used for ten years. Those old woolly jumpers your granny bought you that seem to itch so much when you wear them. But before you do throw anything out why not make a pile in one room where you can store everything that you think you might not need any longer and keep it to one side.

Rather than throw anything out why not consider if you can recycle it, or give it to charity because there are plenty of people who buy from these shops and want what you don’t. This has got to be a better option that throwing it away because the UK produces over 177 million tonnes of waste each year, some of which sadly ends up in landfill. And as the saying goes, where there’s muck there’s brass! So if you can’t recycle something you could try selling it on eBay or another auction site and perhaps even make a quick buck or two.