Home » Merry Christmas from Alan Cook Removals

We are finally here. This is Christmas. We would like to take some time to thank everyone who has worked with Alan Cook this year and enjoyed using our service to help them relocate to a new home, move their business or even jump off to a new life overseas. Our customers are always at the heart of everything we do.

And many of you who have been doing countless shopping runs and trips into the city to grab boxes of presents may have had a taste of the organisation you need to run removals, getting a whole host of belongings and possessions from A to B for a very big day.

Families of course look to the magic of Father Christmas as this time of year. Without a doubt this old character is one of the greatest removals men in the universe. Who else could take presents to every child in the world – and better still, manage to deliver them in a single night. Perhaps he has some ability to stretch time and that’s why the little ones always wake up so early.

We often wonder how much work we could get done with that magic sleigh of his – but the truth of the matter is that in some places it’s difficult enough to get the wardrobes up the stairs let alone down the chimneys. Perhaps when it comes to the real world our range of vans and trucks really are the best way to get our customers belongings where they need to be going.

Whilst we’re on the subject of loading up. Christmas is a time where everyone likes to get full of food, presents and to have a load of good feeling between one another. If this is your first family yuletide in a new home or residence then we’d like to send out special wishes to you and hope that you’re having the merriest of times.

Looking back over our year one of the best presents we had at Alan Cook was the arrival of our new storage centre, offering customers a range of space including office facilities in South Lowestoft. So if you need somewhere to keep all your present – or better still plan out the strategy for Christmas Day and Boxing Day – using out comfortable commercial suites as a base for your operations.

Still, it is lovely to wind down, take the weight off our feet and reflect on a wonderful year full of accomplishment and happiness. We hope you have enjoyed our blog from time to time with our range of articles going from the silly to the serious and we plan to keep you entertained into 2018 and beyond.