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Home » Keeping Cool on Long Journeys

If you haven’t noticed the UK is in the grip of one of the best summers for a long time. The heat is non-stop making trips to the beach a must and the holidays into a tropical fun time. However, if you have planned a home move during August or Early September this year, especially one that requires a big car trip with children, then you may want to consider the best way of keeping cool on long journeys.

Take Fluids

Get a big multipack of water for your journey. This may sound obvious, but often people underestimate the levels of fluid that are needed. With the roads so crowded, particularly around bank holidays or on Fridays and Mondays, you never know when an accident or hold up might occur. With the potential to get stuck in your car for a number of extra hours, you’ll be glad that you took the extra liquid in the heat.

Sensible Air Con

The air conditioning in the car may seem like a god-send, but you must be careful in the heat to ensure you don’t overwork this system. At slower speeds it is sometimes better to give the air con a rest and open the windows of your vehicle to get a good dose of air-circulation. Remember that the hotter it is outside, the harder your air-con has to work, so rather than having it on frigid temperatures, however pleasing this might be, you could be better off setting it a few degrees higher.

Go Early Doors

If you can handle the mornings then you might be better taking your trip in the early hours. Take a jump into the sack before your normal time. Exercise or a good long walk in the evening will help you get off to sleep quickly, then jump out of bed and get in the car for around 6AM. This way you should be able to beat most of the traffic and the heat on your travel. Remember that the hottest part of the day is usually around 2-3pm so you’ll want to avoid being stuck in traffic at this time.

Know Alternative Routes

Make sure you are fully aware of potential alternative routes you could take through the countryside. Apps like Waze on your phone can help with sudden changes in journeys and alternative suggestions to ensure you make good time and don’t get caught in the dreaded standstill heavy traffic where you could bake in your vehicle.

And if you choose a good removals firm like Alan Cook then you can be assured that you precious belongings and possessions will arrive bang on time with you. Nicely cool and ready for your first night in the new property. Give us a call, get a quote and all you will have to worry about is keeping cool on long journeys.