You’ve had the removals company do the hard work. There’s that beautiful moment when you’re at home in your new residence. Everything is quiet and you think that you’re about to start that new life. Time for a coffee or tea? Most definitely. Then you find yourself suddenly rummaging through a ton of boxes looking for the kettle as it’s not where you thought you put it. Cups are equally difficult to find at the bottom of the right box.

Finally it dawns on you. You have to unpack your whole house. And then you realise your hard work is only beginning. So what’s the best way to make sure you get everything out of the way in a good, timely fashion?

  • Start By Cleaning – the first thing you should do is go through the entire house and make sure that every single square inch is free from dirt. Empty houses often accumulate dust and debris.
  • Now Find the Coffee Cups – in reality you should have a box marked essentials, which has everything you need in it for getting you through the unpacking process.
  • Start with the Bathrooms – you never know when the call of nature might strike. Get all your sundries ranging from your toilet roll through to your toothpaste in the right places.
  • Do the Furniture Next – it’s now time to get the house essentially set up as you want it to be. Put each piece of furniture in the right room, then move it round to get the right ambience and feeling.
  • Put Everything Away – now you have arranged the furniture as you like it, you should be able to take your boxes into the right rooms to sort out your belongings. Work as a two person team with one person unpacking and the other putting in place.
  • The Final Touches – as the last thing on the agenda, but those final little pieces in place, like the stereo cables behind the tables and the pictures on the wall.

Whilst this list isn’t by any means definitive it should give you a basic understanding of the procedure necessary to get your new home ready. By all means you should add in extra steps and don’t be afraid to leave you new house for a day and stay at a hotel so you’re able to approach the whole situation fresh and ready to nail it in one session of daylight.

Good luck and enjoy your moving adventure.