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It might seem a little odd for a Norwich removals company to take an interest in the council tax rate but bear with us, this will make sense in a second! Because anything that affects the location where homes are being bought and sold can of course affect where we end up moving people’s cherished possessions to and from.

In a buyer’s market, if the council tax is considered too high it might affect the price buyers are willing to pay for their home, although judging by the recent house price increases it certainly seems to be a seller’s market right now for much of the country. Nevertheless, lots of factors of course can affect house prices and the subsequent amount of searches and demand for house removals in Norwich…something we see the effect of further down the line. Some of the more obvious things that affect house prices and the amount of moving you will know of for sure include good schools, transport links, local amenities, and seemingly wind farms can affect the price of a home too!