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Wow, can’t believe it’s been over six months since my last blog! Please don’t think this is because we just don’t care because you couldn’t be further from the truth. When it comes to our customers we care more about them than our on-line profile (if that’s the right term for it!).

Since Easter, when we knew we were going to start getting busier we have been flat out. There was supposed to be a quieter period from September, once the schools went back, although even the Summer Holidays feel a long way off now! The quiet spell never came!

With the turn-up of business so our staff and fleet levels have risen. (You can meet most of the staff on the team page (those that stand still long enough to actually have their picture taken that is!).

The office is about to undergo another huge shake up when we have a whole programme dedicated to the removals industry installed. Those of you who have used us for your move may find this hard to believe, but it’s going to increase our efficiency and productivity, I Know!! So I will have to put aside my slate and chalk and learn how to use it. (I do hope someone has warned that lovely man coming to train me!) We now have as many people in the office as we had on removals when Andy & Helen first took over.

The crews that do the actual moving have also increased in numbers, a large number of them already with experience under their belts, others are younger or have to us from other trades. What they all have in common though is their great sense of humour and can do attitudes.

And now we are not just heading towards but have arrived in Winter! (NB: I am refusing to mention anything to do with you know what even though it’s nearly here, as if by not saying it will slow down time and delay it’s arrival!) Winter brings a whole heap of different challenges, we get busy with people wanting to be in their new homes before, you know, then! Then if exchanges slip and completion dates move we see in the new year equally busy. (Note if you would that I don’t mind saying New Year, it’s just that other thing, how odd!) Having got thus far into the season we have escaped any bad weather. Let’s hope it stays this way! Don’t get me wrong, I love snow and all it brings but it’s not the same when you have to be in the yard at 6am in order to dig the lorries out and de-ice them, and then you still have to drive halfway across the country. I have to point out here, and hastily, that I am not involved in any of these activities but I have a huge amount of respect and admiration for those that do, so during the colder months it becomes even more important to give the crews a nice big cheery wave if you see them out and about and, if they are not too cold, they might even wave back!!