Even though the internet is no longer a new invention, there are still opportunities for hard working individuals to make money from the world-wide-web. In the past couple of decades sites like eBay, Etsy and Amazon allow you to run your own operation and sell to audiences on a national or even a global scale. And using storage for small business can be a massive part of the picture.
Using local storage for your small business can be a key stage in moving from a bedroom or kitchen operation to full time self-employment. Especially if you are looking at an import style venture, where you purchase larger quantities of items from abroad to resell individually at a significant mark up on the domestic market.
Hiring storage space is low cost, simple and often available on a month by month contract and with these tips you can make the most out of any room to suit the requirements of your business.
Organise the Space
Take time to think about how you want to set up the space in storage. One of the easiest mistakes is failing to properly consider your business function. If you want to repackage items or get them ready for posting, then it’s a good idea to include working space with tables and small boxes or drawers for essential items like stamps, tapes and envelopes. This means you don’t have to ferry items between your home and the post office, removing one location from the equation.
Stackable Boxes
Durable plastic boxes are a mainstay of any small business operation. These can usually be purchased in several different sizes and are often stackable, meaning that they can operate as a good alternative to draws and shelves. If your storage company allows you to put rails on the ceiling of your space, then you can even use strong boxes to maximise the complete available space in your unit.
One of the oldest space saving devices known to man has to be shelving. You don’t even have to be a DIY expert to put a good set of shelves in place, as you can purchase many different kinds of modular shelving that allow for expansion and easy assembly. Strong, rigid and easily replaceable, this is the perfect choice for business that often deal with different kinds of items and need to regularly adapt the storage space.
Want to store lots of small items such as jewellery or electronics components? There are now a number of different types of drawers that will allow you to consolidate all these individual pieces into one unit. If you go to car boot sales or take items to craft fairs these can be a real god-send. Simply purchase a set of plastic draws on wheels and then you can fully stock the unit in your storage space ready to take out and help you with your sales.
Running a business can be hard work and ultimately you only get back what you put in. It requires patience, self-belief and tenacity at the highest level, but when it comes to the day to day operations, it’s the little organisational points that make all the difference in time saving and effective management. Getting storage could be the key step in taking the plunge from part time to full time.
And Alan Cook’s storage centres could be just the thing you’re looking for – give us a call for more information.